Monday, May 25, 2009

Wednesday, May 6th -- Day 14

- Short entry tonight.
We zeroed in Idyllwild and hung around town all day. Good people, good food, good memories, I'm sure. Saw Wolverine at the movie theatre. Yes, the writing was kind of bad, but lots of things blew up, and Hugh Jackman cut people up, which is what I went there to see.

Had a campfire (our first) after the movie, and a pack of hikers that we didn't know materialized out of the darkness with beer.

At midnight, Tom and I brought out a cake and a card signed by all the thru-hikers we could find for Jerry's Birthday, which is technically now. More good times, and lots of talking around the campfire.

Today deserves much more writing than I'm bothering with, but it's very late, and we have lots of cleaning up to do before leaving tomorrow morning. So goodnight!

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