Tuesday, May 5, 2009

April 23, 2009—Day 1

I am in California. California! This thing has finally begun. After two days of packing with just a few hours of sleep in between, I had a very touching goodbye with Megan, Darcy, Dave, Amy, Ty, Eric and Jess. I already miss them. Another few hours’ sleep, and Mom and Dad drove me to the airport to check in for the 6:45 am flight. Made my goodbyes to the pparents, who are wonderful, and met up with Tom just in time to find out that our flight was scheduled for 9:45 am, not 6:45. Aha. Jerry showed up soon after, and we sat around until check-in time.

I’ve never been on a plane before today. The idea of flying has fascinated me since I was very small, but, like so many other dreams, I’d never found (made) time to just go out and do it. Well! Today I flew. I stared out the window as we took off, watched the ground pull back and the cars and buildings shrink smaller and smaller until they were only gleaming indecipherable nothings against a patchwork world. Cities stretched into small towns, which stretched into farms and crops, and then, Rocky Mountains just appearing on the skyline, we landed in Denver and switched planes. Then up, up again over the Rockies, clouds sneaking between us and the mountains below. I fell asleep and woke up to canyons and gorges. Finally, we descended into palm trees and city streets. San Diego. Caught a bus, a trolley, and then another bus. Fell asleep once more, and when I woke…

I’m in love. The hills and mountains that surrounded us were not just hills and mountains. They were ancient, mighty giants. Tall, wide, and powerful, they were strewn with massive boulders. Huge molars on a proud, immense jaw, long forgotten but still defiant.

Eventually we did arrive in Campo, where we briefly stocked up on groceries and set up camp in a small park between the border patrol station and the fire station. And now we’re caught up! I would like to write more, but I’m totally exhausted, and the chance to finally get a full night’s sleep is too attractive to pass up. So, goodnight!

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