Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009—Day 2

Woke up at six to Tom and Jerry’s voices. It was a good long sleep. After taking down camp, we hiked over to the hardware store and picked up fuel for the alcohol stoves. I didn’t buy any, because mine’s a gas stove, and I’d picked up some diesel fuel the day before in El Cajon. After the hardware store, we walked to the post office to pick up out first supply package and to dump extra weight: all of our packs were way too heavy! After a careful reevaluation of what we really need and what we don’t, we mailed out a seventeen pound box to Geoff, who is handling our resupply. Lighter, we set off for the border, and found the monument indicating the trailhead. We goofed around taking pictures for too long, and finally started the trail.

I don’t know if I can really describe how beautiful it is out here. The mountains! My camera does not do the scenery justice.

We met two other thru-hikers, Skywalker and Ralph. Skywalker, who is 6’11”, has thru-hiked the Appalachian Trail. Ralph hasn’t hiked much before. They seem like cool guys. I think we probably covered about sixteen miles today. Because we started so late, we had to set up camp short of Lake Morena, where it turns out a big party is happening for PCT hikers. Oh well. I’m pretty sore and very tired, so I’m done. Goodnight.

1 comment:

  1. You each have a stove? Also, are their names really Skywalker? If so, do they have The Force?
