Monday, May 11, 2009

Tuesday, April 28th--Day Six

We covered a lot of distance today. Woke up at six, took down camp, and set off, only to find several other hikers down the trail about half a mile. Skywalker was there, and he told us that the park they'd camped at sucked, because it was windy all night. High winds turned out to be the theme of the day, as we sat down for lunch at a horse trough and the constant gusts coming down from the mountains blasted us the whole time.

I am a person who is frequently cold, and I've been cold for most of the time I've been out here because of the never-ending winds. I asked Geoff, who is sending our food out, to put my winter gear into the next box. I'm ready for it now, but I won't get it until Idyllwild. Guess I'll have to hold out for a while longer.

We've come about 70 miles so far, and I'm still able to walk, although my feet (which are awful to look at) are pretty taped up. I'm hanging in there, and so are Jerry and Tom.

Gonna try to get some sleep now, which may be difficult, because the walls of my tent are whipping around in the wind.

Feelin' ok.

Good night!

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