Friday, September 4, 2009

Wednesday, June 24—Day 63

Up at 6:30 and cleaned the burned batter off my pan from yesterday’s breakfast, then slowly got my things together, ate, drank more coffee, and finally rolled out of VVR at around 10.

I like that place. It’s too expensive, but there’s a nice atmosphere, and the employees seem less interested in taking all my money, despite the high prices. Also, we were able to play Scrabble all day and into the night on the restaurant’s patio. The waitress, Olive, hung out with us as we played, and we all joked around together.

Today, though. Right. Back up the road, back up the Bear Ridge Trail, back onto the PCT. Nothing too exciting, just ten miles or so amidst swarming mosquitoes. They’re getting more annoying as we lose elevation. I’ve been swatting at my arms all day. The only good thing about mosquitoes is how easy they are to kill, and today I massacred them. In the mosquito language, I am known simply as “The Black Doom,” and adults tell their larvae horrifying (but true) stories to keep them from acting up. Sometimes, I just knock mosquitoes out, and those rare survivors go back to their mosquito families and friends changed, haunted forever by visions of my terrifying giant hand wiping out all of the mosquitoes around them in one powerful sweep.

Anyway, we’re camped by a lake up in the mountains a couple miles short of Silver Pass. I am very cold. G’night.

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