Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Thursday, June 18—Day 57

Made it through the night without being murdered by poisonous spiders, and met up with Kevin, our ride to the trailhead. Kevin had stopped as we were hitching to Lone Pine from Independence, and after driving us to town and showing us around, had given us his card in case we needed a ride to the trailhead later. What a guy!

After he dropped us off, we began the four mile climb back up to Kearsarge Pass. It took a long time, and I lost a cherry pie along the way, not realizing it later, whereupon I threw my pack around in a tantrum.

Still, lost pies aside, the climb wasn’t too hard at all, and, although my body started out still sore from days before, I soon felt great to be hiking again, gaining ground and putting miles behind us. We made our way up to Glen Pass and slipped, slid, and postholed down the snowy slopes on the other side. We stopped at the beautiful Rae Lakes for lunch on top of some rocks, and I got my second sunburn of the trail. Third. I forgot that the sun, reflecting off the snow, burns just as well as the sun shining straight down, and ended up with a sunburn after Forrester Pass.

Next is Pinchot Pass. Like Bronson Pinchot, Balki from “Perfect Strangers.” I wonder if that show’ out on DVD yet. ‘Night.

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