Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Friday, June 12—Day 51

11,000 feet, and it is getting cold! The mosquitoes, at least, were not an issue today.

Here is a problem: when I’m not hiking, the wind makes me very cold. In the morning, and at every break, I am freezing. So, I put on extra layers. Problem solved! But, once I start hiking, I become warm. Now, I’m wearing extra layers, and I can either stop to take them off, and maybe put them on again in five minutes if the sun goes behind clouds and the wind picks up, or I can just hike with them on. Today, I hiked for too long with them on, and now most of my clothes are damp with sweat at the end of the day. I’ve got them in the foot of my sleeping bag to dry out, or at least keep warm through the night, and now I have nothing to use for a pillow. Lame.

Haven’t seen any bears, but we’ve started cooking away from camp and leaving our bear canisters far away, as well as our garbage and anything that smells. The Sierras are beautiful, but camping in bear country is a pain.

When I get home, after I finish this thing, I’m gonna eat a big bowl of cereal with milk and toast with butter and jam while I sit on my couch and watch cartoons. Then I might take a nap. G’Night.

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