Monday, June 22, 2009

Tuesday, May 25--Day 34

We finally did leave, after some unfortunate delays. I was sort of dreading today's hike, because my trekking poles had become accidentally mixed in with loads of things that other hikers had-

The Andersons, another set of Trail Angels, live twenty five miles up the trail from the Saufleys. The day before yesterday, someone with a truck offered to take a big load ahead to Casa de Luna, where the Andersons live. Many of the hikers put all of the gear they wouldn't need for a single day's hike in garbage bags, with the idea that they could hike the twenty five miles quickly and easily with light packs. Then they put the garbage bags over by the front gate, which is exactly where I'd left my poles. So, my poles are at Casa de Luna, and I am not.

The trail today took us up some fairly steep, long inclines, made tougher by my lack of poles, but it wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it'd be, and I think I spent more of the day walking easy downhill slopes than trudging upwards.

We set up camp at the Oasis water cache, which we found decorated with plastic skeletons, an inflatable flamingo and monkey, and a stuffed parrot. Sitting amidst the water jugs is a large cooler full of pop and beer, and the elusive cactus cooler, the best pop I've ever tasted. This is a good campsite. 'Night!

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