Thursday, June 11, 2009

Thursday, May 14th--Day 22

Woke up to bitter cold. The moisture in the air inside my tent had condensed, coating my rainfly in droplets and leaving frost on my poles. After we started hiking, our bodies warmed fast, and I had to put away the long-sleeved shirt, gloves, and wool hat that I'd put on just half an hour before. We found ourselves walking along hills scarred by wildfire, black husks of wood sticking out of the ground like burned hair. Then, suddenly, we were in a valley shaded by trees and cooled by a gorgeous, pounding stream. We had lunch and enjoyed the spot as best we could.

After lunch, up a boulder-lined path and back into the burned hills. We pushed through the day and, after crossing a well-made wooden bridge above a ravine, we started looking for a place to camp. After two or three miles, the trail reached a small field overlooking the river below. The ground was kind of flat, so we set up camp and started making dinner.

The mosquitoes are terrible. They clouded around me as I boiled the water for dinner. I ate in my tent tonight, watching the mosquitoes bump against the mesh door and walls, perplexed. Supposedly, there will be a hot spring tomorrow. Night!

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