Monday, June 22, 2009

Sunday, May 24th--Day 32

Today we took a zero in Agua Dulce. I woke up slowly and, with nowhere to be today, spent some time reading. A few feet from my tent, the horses clopped around and the air was full of bird songs and the human voices of hikers in the distance.

After finally hauling myself out into the world, I met up with Tom and Jerry, and we borrowed bikes and rode to the market downtown for breakfast. Breakfast today was the same as lunch yesterday: ice cream. The market sells it at a shockingly low price (for California) and I've made the best of the deal.

The Saufleys' neighbors had a pool party at noon, and we rose in the back of a pickup truck (now my favorite method of travel) to their house, where we ate burgers and hot dogs and sat in a jacuzzi joking about how hard it is out there.

Shifting between extremes has been a constant theme of this thing. The air is cold, but the sun is hot, so too much time spent in the shade causes chills, and too much time out of it is equally uncomfortable. We find ourselves nearly crawling up relentless mountainsides in the morning, and in the afternoon we might be relaxing next to a pool, beer in hand.

We're hitting the trail again tomorrow. I'd better get some sleep. Goodnight.

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