Friday, June 12, 2009

Friday, May 15th--Day 23

There was a hot spring!

We woke, packed, and hiked seven or eight miles before hitting it. I had run almost completely out of water, and I held my Nalgene bottle under the water where it came out of the mountain, then took long gulps. It was hot, but I was too thirsty to care. Before today, I've never drank untreated or unfiltered water right from a spring. It tasted pretty good.

We took a long, long break at the hot spring. In some areas, it was deep enough to swim, walled off from the creek surrounding it. I soaked for awhile in the hot water, then jumped into the comparatively freezing water of the creek, and was refreshed. Then my leg touched some seaweed, and I was grossed out. I am indeed a man's man.

We lounged in the shade, and I finished Of Mice and Men. It is a very sad, very good story. Next up is To Kill a Mockingbird.

Eventually, we had to leave, so it was back up into the dusty heat of the hills far above. The sun was very hot and we took a break in some shade where I put a packet of apple cider mix into my water, since it was hot anyway. It was delicious. Gonna have to get more of that stuff.

We scraped out about eight more miles and made camp in a nice, open, sandy area. The mosquitoes were just starting to bother me as I made dinner. It's good to be in my tent, away from them. I like nature, but I wish I could exhale Raid and wipe out all the little bugs that swirl around my face as I hike, and try to propel themselves. Earlier, one tried to fly into my eye. He missed by about half an inch, but as I was trying to wipe him away, he dodged my finger and crawled the rest of the distance into my eye. What tenacity!

I hate bugs. Going to sleep now. Night.

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