Sunday, August 9, 2009

Thursday, June 4th, Day 43

We discovered last night that we still had sixty miles to Onyx, where our next box awaits, and only two days to get there, or else we'd arrive after the post office closed and have to wait until Monday to get our stuff. So, we got up early (4-ish) and set out for a thirty mile day. The trail started out with some moderate climbing, which, I'm sad to say, wiped me out completely. I might not be eating well enough out here at breakfast, because after lunch I felt much better. We shook off our slow morning and careened through the afternoon along nice, even ground. We passed through cool, beautiful forests. Hopefully a taste of what Oregon and Washington will offer, and back into a desert canyon as the evening took the heat away. Another eight miles past a water cache and we set up camp on a sandy plateau. 31 miles today. New record. Only 29 more tomorrow, then Onyx. We can do it. Good night.

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