Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Friday, June 5th-Day 44

We knocked out the remaining 29 miles like they were nothing! Woke up at six to wet tents, sleeping bags, packs, everything. There was heavy condensation during the night, which left me freezing until morning, when we packed up and got moving. The trail stayed pretty easy, but we once again found ourselves brutalized by powerful winds throughout the day. The clouds kept threatening rain, and the air stayed very cold. The sky didn't fall, though, and we powered through without trouble.

After lunch, we left the trail for a mountain spring and found a shelter with chairs outside. As we rested, a pickup truck pulled up and two men got out. They had brought a bagful of food, and we took some with thanks. Then it was eight more miles, four of which were a long descent down a beautiful valley as the sun sank towards the mountaintops. We finally hit the bottom, and found a barbecue waiting for us and any other hikers. A man named Meadow Ed threw steaks (!) on the fire for us, and we ate greedily.

Tonight's dinner: Steak, salad, 2 rolls, 3 beers, 2 Gatorades, grapes, a handful of pretzels, and an apple. Way better than rehydrated chili mac. Nothing works up an appetite like hiking 29 miles. We've got a ride into Onyx lined up in the morning. Things are working out! Night.

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