Monday, July 27, 2009

Saturday, May 30--Day 38

Woke up at six, out at seven. It was a late start today, but we weren't pushing far. Eight miles over some smallish hill, the last heave of earth before finally slipping down into the desert quietly and easily. We found ourselves at Hiker Town around noon. Hiker Town is a house with a big yard. There are chickens and ducks running around all over the place, and inexplicably, an old western-style town. The town may have been built as a movie set. I don't know.

We sat around from noon to five, avoiding the midday heat. During that time, a chick fell into a water trough and was beating his tiny useless wings furiously and squeaking loudly, trying in vain to climb out. I scooped a hand under him and rescued him. That chick owes me a life debt.

At six we packed up and hiked out, the sun set beautifully, and we followed a dirt road as the warm breezes changed to cool breezes. We were night hiking soon enough, and the road seemed to go on forever. The stars were beautiful, though. Nights like this fill me with a nostalgia that I can't really explain.

We set up camp just short of Cottonwood Creek Bridge, which means we're 534 miles in, which means we're 1/5 of the way done! Yeah!

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