Monday, July 27, 2009

Friday, May 29th-Day 37

-Woke up this morning and took down camp fairly quickly for an early start. The trail took us gradually uphill all morning, until just before lunch, when it lunged upwards into shadeless, breezeless, breathless, relentless heat.

Just as things were becoming unbearable, the trail evened out and we saw the Red Rock Water Tank up a hill to the right. A quick climb later and we found ourselves at the perfect spot for lunch. Amazingly, after we finished eating, dark clouds rolled in and the temperature dropped ten or fifteen degrees. Then, rail began to fall. Rain. I hadn't seen a drop fall out of the sky since Michigan. There wasn't much, just a brief sprinkling, and then it was over. We hiked out, and the clouds stayed all day, providing us with much needed shade.

Not long after lunch, we heard the sound of engines roaming nearby. I was just thinking that there must be a road soon, when a jackass on a dirt bike rounded the corner ahead of me and stopped just short of ending my hike real fast. We stepped off the trail as three other bikers ground to a halt, all surprised to see hikers on a no-motor-vehicles hiking trail. We let them pass, warning that there were other hikers not far behind us. Chumps.

Another few miles, and the trail finally took a downhill turn. It switched back and forth along the mountainside until evening out just before a paved road. We found a great place to set up camp, and relaxed for the rest of the evening. 25 miles today, and we passed the 500 mile mark. We're really doing this. 'Night!

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